Wellesley High School Resources
Student Clubs and ERP Programs
WHS ERP Program - The ERP program is a drop-in, no commitment, after school program offered at no cost.
Student Newspaper​
"The Bradford" is Wellesley High School's premier student news publication. Subscribe to the print edition or:
Read The Bradford Online
Follow on Facebook
Twitter WHS Bradford @whsthebradford
District Resources
Official WPS Twitter accounts:
Wellesley Public Schools: @WellesleyPS ; WPSAlerts
WPS Superintendent: @WellesleySupt ; David Lussier
WHS House offices: @whshouseoffices ; WHS House Offices
Wellesley Police School Resource Officers: @WPD_SRO ; Wellesley Police SRO
Wellesley School Committee
Visit School Committee's Website to subscribe to their newsletter, view the meeting calendar, read minutes, view agendas and much more.
WPS Performing and Fine Arts
Wellesley High School Sports
Twitter: @wellesleysports ​​
Local Media Sources
Wellesley Public Media (cable access channel)
WHS School Store (Student-Run)
Opening hours and room # and prices. Stay tuned for updates