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Meeting Calendar

Come to one of our PTSO general meetings where you can meet other parents, professional staff and administrative members, and learn more about our high school and our students' lives. Meetings are alternated between day and evening depending on the subject matter.  We do our best to set a calendar and stick with it!  However - dates and topics may change for a number of reasons - stay tuned to our weekly news blasts to keep current.  Subscribe below.

Upcoming PTSO Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Save these dates for meetings! 

Topics and more details to follow.

  • September 11th 9-10:30am - Meet Dr. Chisum and his administrative team

  • October 10th 9-10:30am - Challenge Success and authors of "The Power of  Agency" 

  • November - Thursday November 21st, 7pm WHS Auditorium - see below

  • December 5th, 7pm @ Wellesley Middle School (new!) - "The Dangers of Vaping" Guest speaker Dr. Lester Hartman, Medical Home Director, Westwood-Mansfield Pediatrics.  Mark Ito, WMS Principal and Jaime Chisum, WHS Principal, as well as other WMS / WHS leadership will also be in attendance to discuss the issue.  

  • January 14th (note date and time change) joint WHS/WMS Boston METCO meeting from 6-8pm at The Shelburne, 2730 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

  • January 31st 9-10.30am - WHS Joint PTSO Meeting/Principal’s Coffee – Session #1 Course Selection

  • February 12th (note the date change) 9-10:30am - session #2 Course Selection  



The following meetings have been cancelled dur to the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • March 17th (note the date change) 7pm WHS PTSO Speaker in collaboration with Wellesley Youth Commission  "If Only" - more details to come

  • March 27th 9-10.30am (new date) WHS Joint PTSO Meeting/Principal’s Coffee – Drugs & Alcohol Guest Panel

  • May 13th 9-10:30am - 9am, WHS PTSO meeting - 2020/2021 Executive Board, Volunteer Thank you



On  Thursday, May 14th, (start time is being finalized) , the WHS PTSO will facilitate an opportunity for our parents to hear an update from Dr. Chisum and other members of his Administrative team.  


PLEASE NOTE:  Since this meeting is time-limited with a potentially very large audience, there will be no opportunity for asking questions during the meeting itself, therefore we are requesting that all questions be submitted to us in advance.  

Please click  here and submit any question or topic you would like to have addressed by Monday, May 11th at 9am. 


This meeting will be live streamed on Wellesley Media and we will push out meeting start time and information on how to view it on Monday, May 11th.  

Typical timing and location of PTSO meetings

Evening meetings typically from - 7-8.30pm


Wellesley High School - Auditorium

Daytime meetings typically from - 9-10.30am


Wellesley High School - Faculty Dining Room

Monthly Friday Coffees

Hear from Principal Chisum and the head of Guidance, Dana Plunkett Fridays at the end of each month, starting on Friday, September 27th with Dr Chisum, Friday, October 25th with Dana Plunkett, alternating thereafter.  Stay tuned to learn more about the topics of these meetings.  For details of these meetings and much more see WHS monthly calendar and subscribe to our weekly News Blast here.

Guidance Department Meeting Topics

WHS Guidance Department offers several parent evening presentations ranging from 8th grade student and parent orientation, to college applications, financing and more.  Meeting Schedule as follows:


'19/'20 Guidance Department Parent Evening Presentations:


All evenings are held in the WHS auditorium at 6:45pm unless otherwise noted.

  • 9/11 Standardized Testing Night, recommended for junior students & parents

  • 9/25 Senior Parent Night 

  • 10/2 Navigating the College Process with Students w/Learning Disabilities ,recommended for junior/senior students & parents

  • 10/16 Financial Aid Night - John Marcus, MEFA, recommended for junior/senior students & parents

  • 11/20 Junior Parent Night 

  • 1/8 GAP Year Panel (in conjunction with Weston & Wayland High Schools) 

  • 1/29 8th Grade Parent Orientation

  • 2/5 8th Grade Parent Orientation (snow date)

  • 3/24 Note date change Fine & Performing Arts & the college process @ Weston, 7pm, recommended for junior & seniors and their parents.

  • 5/6 College Admissions Night, recommended for junior students & parents



Coffee with the Director of Guidance:


All Coffees are held in the Faculty Dining Room at 9am unless otherwise noted.

  • October 25th:  Article Discussion/Transitions with Kate Mahoney, Department Head of Guidance, Wellesley Middle School.

  • December 13th: "Raising Resilient Teens" with Julianne Chen & Tai Katzenstein from the Newton- Wellesley Resiliency Project.

  • February 28th:  "Leadership From Within", how to foster leadership skills in your adolescent. Speakers Evren Gunduz & Tom Coburn, co-founders of Enjoy Life Education.

  • April 17th: CANCELLED - COVID-19 Pandemic Update: Juuling and supporting our adolescences around drug use with Liz Booma and Juliana Chen from the Newton-Wellesley Resiliency Project.


Visit the Guidance Department Home Page for more information.

© 2024 Wellesley High School PTSO

Tax ID/EIN: 36-4560257



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