Wellesley High School PTSO
Who is a member of the Wellesley High School PTSO? Every WHS student, teacher/staff/administrator and parent/guardian of a WHS student is a member of the WHS Parent Teacher Student Organization.
The purpose of the Wellesley High School PTSO is to support and enhance the educational experiences at WHS and provide support for programs outside of the school's annual budget by:
Providing financial support through grants to enhance teaching and learning
Additional communication between home, school, and community groups
Offering programming for WHS students outside of the classroom
Supporting faculty and staff through appreciation events
Collaborating with other organizations and agencies in support of the WHS community
​Our email blasts are a source of weekly updates throughout the year. If you are not currently receiving our newsletters and want to subscribe, please email whs.ptso.newsletter@gmail.com. Our PTSO meetings will provide educational and engagement opportunities for our parent/guardian and student communities throughout the year (upcoming meeting dates will be provided in blasts and on our Meeting/Event Calendar and Agendas page).