MCAS is upon us. WHS 10th graders will take ELA in March and Math in May, and our 9th graders will take Science in June. Students from other grades who need to test (mainly transfer students) will be notified ahead of time.
The first important date for all 10th graders is Wednesday, March 11th from 7:40 am- 8:29 am for Infrastructure Testing with our Technology department. Students will have the opportunity to address any technical issues ahead of time. All students should bring their laptop with them. This is mandatory for all sophomores. Please note:
Students must download and install Testnav by March 2nd. Here are the step by step directions.
Room assignments for students will be posted outside each house office by Monday, March 9th.
We are sending along our MCAS schedule for the March ELA dates because it affects all our students' schedules, not just those taking MCAS. Please note that testing begins each day at 7:45. It is essential that students be on time to school on testing days.
For student not involved with MCAS please keep in mind:
1. We are continuing to use the mornings of MCAS testing as intervention time for all students who are not testing. That means, students who are not taking the MCAS will only have to be in school to meet with teachers if they are directed to do so. We encourage all students to make appointments with teachers if they need extra help. Many AP classes will be running study sessions during these times as well and AP teachers will let their classes know the details of those. This was very successful last year and we're excited to continue it.
2. All students should report to school for C block which begins at 10:25. Students need to take note of the cycle day as well as the color block on testing days.
Tuesday March 24th
MCAS Testing ELA 7:45 - 10:20 AM
7:30 - 10:20 Intervention Time
10:25 – 10:50 Block C orange (day 5 block C)
10:55 – 12:22 Block D yellow (day 5 block D)
1st lunch 10:55 – 11:24
2nd lunch 11:24 – 11:53
3rd lunch 11:53 – 12:22
12:27 – 1:26 Block E purple (day 5 block E)
1:31 – 2:30 Block F blue (day 5 block F)
Wednesday March 25th
MCAS Testing ELA 7:45 - 10:20 AM
7:30 - 10:20 Intervention Time
10:25 – 10:50 Block C orange (day 5 block C)
10:55 – 12:22 Block D green (day 6 block D)
1st lunch 10:55 – 11:24
2nd lunch 11:24 – 11:53
3rd lunch 11:53 – 12:22
12:27 – 1:26 Block E tan (day 6 block E)
1:31 – 2:30 Block F red (day 6 block F)
